Are you interested in being a part of a Crusade ?Would you like to Join one of our Childrens Crusade ?
Would you like to assist in our Global Evangelism Ministry? Here are the current invitations and schedule.
Honduras- Global Apostolic Training Seminar
Panama-Global Apostolic Training Seminar, Ministers Training
Guatamala-Global Apostolic Training Seminar
Manila Philippines
Music Conference, Crusade, Childrens Crusade, Ministers training sessions.
Connect With Us
Whether you you have been in a church service or an event where we have been, we invite you to connect with us. Let us know you are following our ministry.
Mission Impact Team
We are focused on making a difference in the World , through Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Medical Missions and caring for the forgotten children. Connect with us at www.MissionImpactTeam.com
Give Here
If you would like to help us, whether it is a monthly gift or for a Missions trip, you can use our secure online giving, it is simple to use. Click the Link at the top of the page